


XV. yüzyılın ikinci yansından itibaren esnaf loncalarına dönüşen Ahilik kimi zaman eleştirilere de uğramıştır. Bu eleştirilerden en dik­kat çekicilerinden birisi XVII. yüzyıl başlarında kaleme alman Mü- nir-i Belgradî'nin "Nisâbu'l-întisâb ve Adâbul-îktisâb" adlı eseridir. Eser, İÜKtb., Türkçe Yazmalar, A 6803de kayıtlı olup 59 varak ve H.1066 istinsah tarihlidir.

Burada müellif, fütüvvet ehli tarafından pir olarak kabul edilen kim­selerin tarihi şahsiyetleri hakkındaki yanılgılarım dile getirir. Ahi Ev­renin Abbas b. Abdulmuttalib 'in oğlu olması başta olmak üzere çeşitli meslek pirleriyle ilgili kabullerdeki tarihi yanlışları ortaya koymaya çalışır. Çeşitli Bâtınî ve Hurûfi yorumlan kabul etmez. Melâmiyye, Kalenderiyye, Hurufıyye, Hamzaviyye gibi tarikatları sapık kabul eder. Fütüvvetnamelerde görülen şedd bağlama, tıraş, tuğ ve alem verme gibi unsurların uydurma ve bidat olduğunu ileri sürer. Bildi­ride bu eser çerçevesinde Esnaf teşkilatına ve dolayısıyla Fütüvvetna­melere yönelik eleştiriler değerlendirilmeye çalışılacaktır.


It had been criticized Akhism that transformed into the corporation of tradesman as from second half of century XV. One remarkable of these criticisms is work named “Nisâbu ’l-Intisab ve Adabu ’l-Iktisab ” writ­ten by Münir-i Belgradi in begining of century XVII. This manu­script is recorded in IU Library, Turkish Manuscripts, A 6803,It’s dated 1066 (A.H.)and It’s 59 leafs. The author puts into words his mistakes about the person’s historical personality who are accepted as “dervish” by Ahl al Futuwwa community in his work.

He presents historical mistakes in acceptances connected with different vocation’s pir as Ahi Evren is Abdulmuttalib’s boy. He doesn’t accept Batıni and Hurufi commnents. He accepts that religious orders as Malâmiyya, Kalandariyya, Hurufiyya, Hamzaviyya are perverted. He claims that ingredients as şedd bağlama/ bestowing a belt on a novice, shaving, giving horsetail and flag are superstitions which are seen in Futuwwatnamas. In this announcement, it will be studied to asses- ment criticisms to the organization of tradesman and Fu­tuwwatnamas


It had been criticized Akhism that transformed into the corporation of tradesman as from second half of century XV. One remarkable of these criticisms is work named “Nisâbu ’l-Intisab ve Adabu ’l-Iktisab ” writ­ten by Münir-i Belgradi in begining of century XVII. This manu­script is recorded in IU Library, Turkish Manuscripts, A 6803,It’s dated 1066 (A.H.)and It’s 59 leafs. The author puts into words his mistakes about the person’s historical personality who are accepted as “dervish” by Ahl al Futuwwa community in his work.

He presents historical mistakes in acceptances connected with different vocation’s pir as Ahi Evren is Abdulmuttalib’s boy. He doesn’t accept Batıni and Hurufi commnents. He accepts that religious orders as Malâmiyya, Kalandariyya, Hurufiyya, Hamzaviyya are perverted. He claims that ingredients as şedd bağlama/ bestowing a belt on a novice, shaving, giving horsetail and flag are superstitions which are seen in Futuwwatnamas. In this announcement, it will be studied to asses- ment criticisms to the organization of tradesman and Fu­tuwwatnamas

Yazar: M.Saffet SARIKAYA

Yıl: 2008
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